Today's mission was to run eight repeats of 400 meters around the track, with a rest of 400 meters between each interval. Based on Monday's 5k time, the goal for each interval was 99 seconds. My last time to do this particular workout was on 8/19/09, and I ran each 400 in an average of 106 seconds. I didn't think that I would be able to cut 7 seconds off each interval today, but here's how I did (in seconds):
1) 93
2) 93
3) 92
4) 93
5) 94
6) 94
7) 95
8) 97
That makes today's average 400 m interval 94 seconds. Now let's see if I have the energy to mow the yard, do some laundry, and read about sedation with intranasal midazolam.
way to go!